Financial Education

Access educational resources and gain insight into building a holistic financial strategy.

Simplicity’s educational programs are designed to empower consumers and their understanding of the six financial planning considerations (Longevity, Liquidity, Inflation, Market, Mortality, and Taxes) fundamental to a holistic plan, and how bespoke wealth accumulation and protection strategies are integral to the plan’s success.

Tax Diversification and Retirement

Simplicity Group Holdings - Financial Education - Tax Free Retirement

Tax risk is a real cost in retirement and can affect a retiree’s income through tax increases, reduced deductions, and a higher-than-expected tax bracket. The good news is that tax diversification strategies work to reduce future tax liabilities, potentially add to one’s total retirement income, and provide for beneficiaries thereafter.

Discover what you can do to help reduce your future taxation and protect the longevity of your retirement income.

Principles of Retirement Planning

Principles of Retirement Planning is a program designed to help consumers understand and apply key principles that can help guide a successful retirement, and how a holistic approach can help people protect the income that they need in retirement…in order to maximize the income for things people want in retirement.

Maximizing Social Security

Simplicity Group Holdings - Financial Education - Social Security

For many Americans, Social Security is the single largest asset they have in retirement and greater than 90% of all recipients do not maximize their Social Security benefits. Advanced planning is essential, and early decisions can have a tremendous impact on the total amount of lifetime benefits consumers will receive.

Understand important considerations including timing of claims, tax liabilities, spousal claims, and more.

Truth About Annuities

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s Retirement Confidence Survey, only 26% of retirees are very confident that they will have enough money to last their entire life.

With life expectancies increasing for men and women, Fixed Index Annuities (FIAs) are a guaranteed lifetime income source that can help fill in a retirement income gap and address one of the six financial planning considerations: longevity – the risk of outliving one’s retirement savings.



In the United States there are approximately 12 million households earning more than $200,000 per year and yet 90% of those households are under-saving for retirement.*

Kai-Zen® is a supplemental retirement savings plan that offers individuals a solution to underfunded retirement plans. The solution utilizes capital leverage to create tax-free income and inheritance opportunities that close the retirement income gap and create generational wealth.